Thu, May 18, 2023    6:40 PM - 8:00 PM Recurring daily
Chapelwood Apts (After School)
Public -by Evangeline DeVol  |  Loveland After School Programs

NEST Community Learning Center provides sound Nutrition and targeted Education in a Safe neighborhood environment that will Transform the outcome of at-risk school-age children in your community, Loveland, Ohio.

Adults as well as high-school students are needed for shifts of 90 minutes each for homework help and tutoring. We welcome volunteers who can commit to a regular time each week! Student volunteers can earn service hours for their time. If your schedule doesn't allow for a weekly commitment, please sign up any day you can help.

Please understand that sometimes the RV may not be on-site at the exact time as scheduled due to unforeseen circumstances, such as buses arriving late to a site, a family crisis needing attention, etc., but we always do our best to keep to the planned schedule. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated, as is your time given to NEST!

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Organizer Info
Paxton Dellinger
 8NINETY AT LOVELAND Apartments (FKA Chapelwood)
890 W. Loveland Ave
Loveland, OH 45140